Gingeredu is a platform that is set to educate people about their college majors and guide them through their journey. The brief was to design a minimalist and elegant responsive website that would allow users to seek the information they need.

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Simultaneously, we seek to illuminate the present landscape for current students, who are journeying through their chosen majors. We are poised to engage in an insightful online survey that endeavors to unearth the extent of familiarity students possess about their current fields of study. The culmination of these insights is instrumental in the crafting of a prototype, meticulously designed to transcend these limitations.

This prototype then undergoes a rigorous regimen of moderated usability testing, expertly orchestrated to assess its efficacy and user-friendliness. This multifaceted approach – spanning research, prototyping, and testing – embodies the confluence of user experience wisdom acquired over three decades. By navigating this process, we aspire to set forth a transformative trajectory, wherein the educational voyage becomes one of informed choices, purposeful pursuits, and resonant career pathways.

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Phase 1: Online Survey via SurveyMonkey

Phase 2: Unmoderated user-testing with a Figma Prototype


A survey was chosen to quickly get quantitative information to use. So that I can then quickly synthesize the data within the design workshop.

Research and Analysis

To begin the design process, I conducted a thorough analysis of the GingerEdu target audience. I consulted with the client to gain a better understanding of their vision for the website and the information that needed to be conveyed to the students. I also conducted user research, including surveys and interviews, to gather information on the needs and preferences of the target audience. Then I conducted a User-testing with the first prototype I had.

Based on the findings from my research, I developed a design strategy that focused on creating a user-centric, visually engaging interface. I decided to use a simple and clean design aesthetic with a focus on typography and white space to ensure that the content was easy to read and navigate. The design strategy also emphasized the importance of creating a visually appealing platform that would be engaging and informative for students.

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Usability testing & sample size.